Parents and professionals connecting to facilitate care and enhance educational support.


It is heartbreaking for a parent to see their child battle with anxiety. Parents want the best for their children, and they want them to grow up happy and emotionally resilient. But anxiety prevents children from enjoying things other children enjoy like making friends and attending school.

The most obvious difference for autism mama bears is that those seemingly insurmountable and often surreal scenarios that we all go through as humans occur with more intensity and frequency than one might expect from the family of an average Joe (pun fully intended).

Dizziness and balance problems can be difficult to recognize in kids. Younger children in particular may have trouble describing their symptoms. These problems can be a sign of a temporary ear infection or a more serious neurological disorder that might have long-term developmental consequences.

Most people who endured a bad childhood and have not taken a painful honest look within often repeat old bad parenting patterns and become a negative statistic. These behaviors become automatic, unconscious and without thought.

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