Parents and professionals connecting to facilitate care and enhance educational support.

Autism Spectrum Disorder

In order to notify a school that your child is struggling and request services, the first thing you must do is provide written notice. This can be addressed to the principal of the school or to the special education director of your district. If your district is LAUSD, send notice to the principal of your child’s school of attendance.

We’ve all heard the old adage, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me.” Tell that to a typical teenager and they'll tell you that's just wrong. The reality is that names do hurt and are a far more familiar weapon than those medieval sticks and stones.

There is no doubt that physical activity has positive physical and psychological benefits for children and adults. However, with an immeasurable amount of important items on the to-do list, finding the motivation to get up and get moving can feel all but stimulating. Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) includes a host of behavioral and social factors that can make it even more difficult to facilitate exercise.

The most obvious difference for autism mama bears is that those seemingly insurmountable and often surreal scenarios that we all go through as humans occur with more intensity and frequency than one might expect from the family of an average Joe (pun fully intended).

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