In order to notify a school that your child is struggling and request services, the first thing you must do is provide written notice. This can be addressed to the principal of the school or to the special education director of your district. If your district is LAUSD, send notice to the principal of your child’s school of attendance.
A child’s level of motivation is a more critical factor in determining how and what he or she learns than almost all other considerations. If we can help parents embrace an approach that focuses on collaboration, we will foster the positive interpersonal relationships that improve a child’s motivation to learn. When help is provided in this way, it is not enabling.
When a child is struggling in school, a comprehensive psychoeducational evaluation conducted early on with periodic reevaluations can drastically change their trajectory and maximize their chances for academic success.
Early signs of speech, language, auditory processing difficulties can lead to reading and writing problems once kids enter school. Parents whose children are already in school and struggling with reading can also look back to see if early signs were present. An educational therapist or licensed speech/language pathologist can help parents identify and address these problems.