Parents and professionals connecting to facilitate care and enhance educational support.


If you are a parent, do not be afraid to discuss the coronavirus with children in an appropriate manner. By now, most children have already heard about the virus and with schools closing, children will want to know why. Not talking about something can actually make kids worry more. So, reassure them and help them to feel safe and secure, and continue to practice good hygiene and model healthy habits.

Sleep loss can take a severe toll on the human body, and for teenagers, lack of sleep can be especially dangerous. Sleep is most critical during the teen years, but teenagers are the least likely of any age group to get enough rest. In fact, about 87% of American high school students are chronically sleep-deprived.

The importance of sleep cannot be overstated. The damaging effects of sleep deprivation are evident everywhere we look. Children need quality sleep habits so that they can lead mentally and physically healthy childhoods. Consistent bedtime routines for children will benefit everyone in a family.

“KNOW THE SIGNS! KNOW THE SIGNS!” Doctors, psychologists, and counselors have been emphasizing this for many years. As a dedicated psychology major at one of the nation’s best universities, you can bet I knew the signs. I knew all the signs of a suicidal person.

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