In order to notify a school that your child is struggling and request services, the first thing you must do is provide written notice. This can be addressed to the principal of the school or to the special education director of your district. If your district is LAUSD, send notice to the principal of your child’s school of attendance.
Ten activities – and not a single worksheet or flashcard. They’ll get plenty of those when they resume school. I could continue for hours, but I hope these “games” will at least suggest a basic framework from which you can create your own activities. Even in the midst of this severe health crisis, rest assured you’re making special memories that will last a lifetime.
Many children struggle with a variety of attention and learning challenges, which often go undetected. Subsequently, adults often blame children for being lazy or unmotivated, and use punitive approaches, rather than problem-solving approaches, which rarely help.
Dizziness and balance problems can be difficult to recognize in kids. Younger children in particular may have trouble describing their symptoms. These problems can be a sign of a temporary ear infection or a more serious neurological disorder that might have long-term developmental consequences.