Parents and professionals connecting to facilitate care and enhance educational support.


FOMO, or the fear of missing out, has become a popular term in American culture. The phrase is regularly referenced and was defined in a recent study as “a pervasive apprehension that others might be having rewarding experiences from which one is absent. FOMO is characterized by the desire to stay continually connected with what others are doing.”

This terrible waste of talent must stop. But how can we teach these children without sapping their souls? After all, they do need to follow some rules and routines. I don’t have all the answers, but after forty years working— and living with— creative thinkers, I offer five suggestions:

Assistive technology, as applied to students with learning disabilities, can be seen as an “equalizer;” it allows students who learn differently to manage certain tasks that they are not able to perform without that specific technology. Assistive technology tools help learning disabled students work around challenges they face in school and at home by targeting the different academic areas they are struggling with.

Parents and educators dealing with children (or adults) with ADHD are likely to have heard increasing references to the terms “executive functioning” (EF) and “self-regulation” over the past few years.

ChildNEXUS Favorites

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ADHD Anxiety Attention problems Auditory Processing Autism Spectrum Disorder Comprehension Problems Executive Functioning Language Disorder Mathematics Reading Sensory/Motor Problems Writing

How to Initiate a Special Education Assessment


October 30, 2020
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ADHD Attention problems Executive Functioning Writing

The Intersection of Executive Function, ADHD, and Other Learning Differences


December 17, 2018
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Autism Spectrum Disorder Mathematics Writing Reading ADHD Language Disorder Executive Functioning Social Skills

5 Tips for Fostering Social-Emotional Development in Twice Exceptional Children


July 30, 2017