Parents and professionals connecting to facilitate care and enhance educational support.

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is the name for a group of developmental disorders. ASD includes a wide range, “a spectrum,” of symptoms, skills, and levels of disability. People with ASD often have these characteristics........

First, what is an auditory processing disorder? The official (and quite technical) definition comes from the American Speech-Language Hearing Association ( For brevity’s sake, let’s just say a good working definition for APD is: “What the brain does with what it hears.”

One in five young children are struggling in school right now. If this includes your child, early assistance can have her or him back on track this school year.

Executive functions are critical to all humans and include the abilities to make good decisions, to reason about situations and issues, to withhold impulsive and risky behaviors, and to make plans for future events are extremely important for success in the classroom, on the playground, and in social settings.

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