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Articulation Language Disorder

Top 5 Signs you Need a Speech and Language Pathologist


February 28, 2018

Have concerns that your child might not be meeting developmental milestones? Here are the top 5 signs that you might need a speech and language evaluation.  


Often times, parents learn to speak their child’s language and can understand most of what they are trying to communicate. The true test is whether or not your friends and family understand your little one. Making speech sound errors is a typical developmental process that begins to subside as children develop appropriate musculature and coordination in their lips, tongues and jaw. By 3 years of age, an unfamiliar listener should be able to understand 75% of what your child has to say.


It’s normal for a baby to use gestures, such as pointing or crying in order to communicate a desire or tell you they need something. However, by 2 years of age this habit should decrease significantly and be replaced by the use of words and short phrases. If your toddler is frequently using nonverbal communication such as pointing, crying or grabbing, encourage them to use their words to get what they want.


By 1 to 2 years of age, children begin understanding and answering simple questions. For instance, if you ask “Where’s the ball?” they can retrieve or point to it.  They also begin answering “Yes/No” questions with a head shake/nod. As a child continues to learn, they begin answering more complex questions and are able to formulate more sophisticated responses. If a child has language difficulties, they will often repeat words of a question back to you as a strategy to compensate. For example, if you ask, “Where did Daddy go?” a child might respond “Daddy go”. Try giving a choice of two options to help support comprehension (e.g., “Is he inside or outside?”).


A child’s vocabulary grows as they have repeated exposure to a variety of words. Children typically understand a greater number of words than they are able to say. By three, they should have a vocabulary of at least 500 words. Children with vocabulary difficulties frequently use very general language to communicate. For example, they might say, “I want it” or “that thing” instead of using the item’s specific name.


As a child’s vocabulary grows, they begin stringing words into more complex phrases and sentences. Children usually begin combining words into short phrases around 24 months of age or after they have a vocabulary of at least 35 to 50 words. Sometimes children are able to put sentences together, but they are not using appropriate grammatical endings or are confusing certain verb tenses. Difficulty formulating complex sentences may be an indication that a child needs a speech and language assessment.

If you recognize any of these red flags in your child’s development,  it’s always better to err on the side of caution. The earlier a child starts receiving appropriate treatment, the faster their communication skills can grow.  

Click here for more information on Speech and Language Development.


Rachel Madel M.A., CCC-SLP

Private Speech-Language Pathologist,

This article was originally published on Rachel Madel is a Los Angeles based speech-language pathologist, parent coach and autism expert who is dedicated to helping autism parents learn how to connect and communicate with their children. Parents can sign up for her FREE 4-Part Video Series “Communication Crash Course”
here ( learn the foundations to communication). You can also follow her on Facebook on Instagram (to learn how to better support communication development).

Articulation Language Disorder

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