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Sam Young

Educational Specialist/Consultant

My Information:

Samuel Young–or Mr. Sam, as his students call him–is a growth-minded, two-time Fulbright Scholar with a master’s in neurocognitive diversity (fr..


Certificate in Twice-Exceptional Education Bridges Graduate School

1112 Montana Avenue #93
Santa Monica, CA 90403

Phone: 4248355324

Please call or email my office regarding my availability.

Does provider travel or go to the home/school? - No

Samuel Young–or Mr. Sam, as his students call him–is a growth-minded, two-time Fulbright Scholar with a master’s in neurocognitive diversity (from Bridges Graduate School) and a decade of educational leadership (at Bridges Academy) who has ADHD. As an ADHD learner, he has a tremendous understanding of, experience in, and respect for all things related to neurodiverse education. Samuel is the director of Young Scholars Academy, a strength-based, talent-focused virtual enrichment center that supports twice-exceptional students and their families. Samuel has been featured in the documentary 2e2: Teaching The Twice Exceptional, the textbook Understanding The Social and Emotional Lives of Gifted Students, 2nd Ed., Variations Magazine, 2e News, and other publications. Before founding Young Scholars Academy, Samuel taught in a variety of capacities—including nearly a decade at Bridges Academy—at an array of programs in the US, Europe, and Asia. Travel and culture are near and dear to him. He has led 2e students to over 7 countries for immersive cultural and educational trips.

My Education

Bridges Graduate School
January, 2018 - June, 2021

My Network

Dr. Karen Wilson




1112 Montana Avenue #93
Santa Monica, CA 90403

Phone: 4248355324

Personal & Professional Background

Please call or email my office regarding my availability.

Does provider travel or go to the home/school? - No

About Me

Samuel Young–or Mr. Sam, as his students call him–is a growth-minded, two-time Fulbright Scholar with a master’s in neurocognitive diversity (from Bridges Graduate School) and a decade of educational leadership (at Bridges Academy) who has ADHD. As an ADHD learner, he has a tremendous understanding of, experience in, and respect for all things related to neurodiverse education. Samuel is the director of Young Scholars Academy, a strength-based, talent-focused virtual enrichment center that supports twice-exceptional students and their families. Samuel has been featured in the documentary 2e2: Teaching The Twice Exceptional, the textbook Understanding The Social and Emotional Lives of Gifted Students, 2nd Ed., Variations Magazine, 2e News, and other publications. Before founding Young Scholars Academy, Samuel taught in a variety of capacities—including nearly a decade at Bridges Academy—at an array of programs in the US, Europe, and Asia. Travel and culture are near and dear to him. He has led 2e students to over 7 countries for immersive cultural and educational trips.

My Education

Bridges Graduate School
January, 2018 - June, 2021

My Endorsements

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