Parents and professionals connecting to facilitate care and enhance educational support.


As promised in Part 1, Clarifying Gray Areas in Family Tech Use: Separating Red Herrings from Red Flags, this follow-up post offers resolutions for the common tech dilemmas many families face. How do I moderate my child’s screen time when all of their assignments are online and have to be handed in electronically? My kid needs a phone so we can stay in contact, especially in case of emergency. My kid reminds me thattheyown the phone or device. In fact, it was a gift we gave to them.

Working memory is an executive functioning skill. And it’s one of the most important skills a child can have. Essentially it's the ability to hold on to information long enough to do something with it.

We’ve all heard the old adage, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me.” Tell that to a typical teenager and they'll tell you that's just wrong. The reality is that names do hurt and are a far more familiar weapon than those medieval sticks and stones.

As a parent, guiding a child through a brain injury may be a daunting experience. Oftentimes, becoming better informed of what to expect may lessen your anxiety and help lead your child (and family) on the path to recovery. Although severe brain injuries, some resulting in a coma or need for neurosurgical care, do occur, approximately 75-80% of all brain injuries are considered mild, and most children can fully recover from them without residual problems.Mild brain injuries are sometimes interc

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