Parents and professionals connecting to facilitate care and enhance educational support.


Even without obstructive sleep apnea, some children struggle to obtain a good night’s sleep. Causes can range from a deficit in melatonin, childhood depression or anxiety, or something as simple as the temperature in the room. No matter the cause, any lack of sleep can result in attention, learning, or language problems.

A lot of parents struggle when raising kids with ongoing challenging behaviors. They want what’s best for their children and have searched high and low for answers. Instead, they have a handful of diagnoses and little hope for the future. Besides feeling exhausted, they also feel like they failed their child.

Sleep loss can take a severe toll on the human body, and for teenagers, lack of sleep can be especially dangerous. Sleep is most critical during the teen years, but teenagers are the least likely of any age group to get enough rest. In fact, about 87% of American high school students are chronically sleep-deprived.

The importance of sleep cannot be overstated. The damaging effects of sleep deprivation are evident everywhere we look. Children need quality sleep habits so that they can lead mentally and physically healthy childhoods. Consistent bedtime routines for children will benefit everyone in a family.

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