Parents and professionals connecting to facilitate care and enhance educational support.

Executive Functioning

Do you know any children who struggle with writing? No wonder. More skills are involved in writing than any other academic subject. But the one skill often considered to be the foundation of successful writing isverbal language. The majority of children with writing difficulties have underlying verbal language disorders, yet many of these children are not properly identified.In this article, I will briefly clarify the association between verbal and written language, and offer “red flags” for ref

While executive functioning deficits are known to positively impact a student’s ability to organize and execute tasks, they can also adversely affect a student’s ability to write.

Working memory is an executive functioning skill. And it’s one of the most important skills a child can have. Essentially it's the ability to hold on to information long enough to do something with it.

Many parents, educators, and practitioners have encountered the day-to-day frustrations associated with weak executive functioning in teens. While some delay in executive functioning is to be expected as the frontal lobes are not fully developed in adolescence, some teens experience more significant weakness, which can affect academics and family relationships.

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ADHD Anxiety Attention problems Auditory Processing Autism Spectrum Disorder Comprehension Problems Executive Functioning Language Disorder Mathematics Reading Sensory/Motor Problems Writing

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The Intersection of Executive Function, ADHD, and Other Learning Differences


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